2. 服务端代码server.php
<?php /** * 分包程序.切记不能有die或exit出现. * * User: yzm * Data: 2018/1/16 */ require_once "./vendor/workerman/workerman/Autoloader.php"; require_once "./Lib/Function.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/Lib/Db.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/Lib/DbConnection.php"; require_once __DIR__ . "/Config/Db.php"; use WorkermanWorker; // #### create socket and listen 1234 port #### $tcp_worker = new Worker("tcp://"); /** * 定义常量. */ define("REP_SUCCESS", 0); // 成功 define("REP_FAIL", -1); // 失败 define("REP_FAIL_NO_COMPLETED", 1); // 文件未上传完成 // 16 processes,与cpu个数相同 $tcp_worker->count = 16; $msg = ""; define("ORGPKG", "/Volumes/VMware Shared Folders/orgpkg/"); define("DISTPKG", "/Volumes/VMware Shared Folders/"); //define("SYS_IP", ""); define("SYS_IP", ""); define("IOS_URL","http://ios.package.tonguu.cn/"); // Emitted when new connection come $tcp_worker->onConnect = function ($connection) { $connection->sized = 0; // xcode调用脚本 $certMobile = "/mnt/www/DIVIDE_PKG/Cert/%d/mslabEnt.mobileprovision"; // 证书文件 $shell = "/mnt/www/DIVIDE_PKG/Lib/dividePkg/resign sign -ipapath %s -destpath %s -pppath %s -agentid %s"; $connection->shell = $shell; $connection->pppath = $certMobile; echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " connect!" . getclientip() . PHP_EOL; }; /** * 响应结果. * * @author yzm */ function resonse($conn, $msg, $error = REP_FAIL, $data = []) { $res = ["msg" => $msg, "error" => intval($error)]; if (!empty($data)) { $res["content"] = $data; } debug($res); // 返回JSON数据格式到客户端 包含状态信息 $rst = json_encode($res); $conn->send($rst); } // Emitted when data received $tcp_worker->onMessage = function ($connection, $data) { set_time_limit(0); ini_set("memory_limit", -1); $db = LibDb::instance("btmox"); $data = @json_decode($data, true); try{ if (empty($data["authId"])) { throw new Exception("授权文件参数错误"); } //1. 查询所有待分包的ios渠道包 $iosPkg = $db ->select("a.id,a.vid,a.filename,a.agent,d.pinyin,b.name,c.package_name") ->from("cy_ct_ios_package a") ->where("a.status=0 AND c.is_send=1") ->leftJoin("cy_ct_ios_mobileversion b","b.id=a.m_v_id") ->rightJoin("cy_ct_ios_version c","c.id=a.vid") ->leftJoin("cy_game d","d.id=c.game_id") ->orderByASC(["a.create_time"])->query(); if(empty($iosPkg)) throw new Exception("没有需要待分包的数据".PHP_EOL); //2. 分包 foreach($iosPkg as $one){ try{ //对当前正要分的包把状态改为‘分包中" $db->update("cy_ct_ios_package")->cols([ "status" => 2, ])->where("id=".$one["id"])->query(); $filename = $one["pinyin"]; // 渠道分包 $verId = @$one["vid"]; $agent = @$one["agent"]; $location = isset($data["location"]) ? $data["location"] : 1; $authId = @intval($data["authId"]); // 授权文件 if (empty($verId) || empty($agent)) { throw new Exception("分包失败:".$one["id"]."版本、渠道为空rn"); } // 替换,否则PHP验证不文件是否存在 $orgPkg = str_replace("\", "", ORGPKG) . "{$filename}.ipa"; debug($one["id"]."原包:" . $orgPkg); debug($one["id"]."是否是文件:" . is_file($orgPkg)); if (!is_file($orgPkg)) { throw new Exception("分包失败:".$one["id"]."母包不存在-$orgPkgrn"); } // 从新拼接文件 $orgPkg = ORGPKG . "{$filename}.ipa"; // 获取目标包存放路径 $distPkgPath = getDistPkgPath($location); $distPkg = $distPkgPath . "$filename/vers_{$verId}/{$filename}_$agent.ipa"; debug("渠道分包地址:" . $distPkg); if (file_exists($filename)) { @unlink($filename); } // 替换授权文件 $certMobile = sprintf($connection->pppath, $authId); // 渠道分包 list($msg, $code) = dividePkg($connection->shell, $orgPkg, $distPkg, $agent, $certMobile); debug("$code" . $code); if ($code != 0) { throw new Exception("分包失败:".$msg."rn"); } $distPkg = str_replace($distPkgPath, "", $distPkg); }catch (Exception $ex){ debug($ex->getMessage()); $code = -1; $msg = $ex->getMessage(); } //3. 分包后更新分包结果,状态,下载地址 $status = $code == 0 ? 1 : 2; $sdata["status"] = $status; $sdata["message"] = $msg; if($status == 1){ $sdata["url"] = IOS_URL.$distPkg; } $db->update("cy_ct_ios_package")->cols($sdata)->where("id=".$one["id"])->query(); } resonse($connection, $msg,$code); }catch (Exception $ex){ resonse($connection, $ex->getMessage()); } }; // Emitted when new connection come $tcp_worker->onClose = function ($connection) { echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " closed!" . PHP_EOL; }; Worker::runAll();3. 客户端代码
<?php /** * 读取socket数据. * * @author yzm * * @param $socket * @param bool|true $isDividePkg * @return array|null|string */ function socketRead($socket, $isDividePkg = true) { $rst = null; $buf = socket_read($socket, 8192); if ($isDividePkg) { $_buf = @json_decode($buf, true); $rst = !empty($_buf) ? [$_buf["error"], $_buf["msg"], @$_buf["content"]] : $buf; } else { $rst = $buf; } return $rst; } /** * 向物理机发起socket请求. * * @param $args 参数 * @return bool * @throws Exception */ function sendSocket($args) { set_time_limit(0); ini_set("memory_limit", -1); $type = isset($args["type"]) ? $args["type"] : 0; if (!$type) throw new Exception("类型参数错误"); $port = 9998; $ip = ""; // 创建socket $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); if ($socket <= 0) throw new Exception("创建socket失败,REASON:" . socket_strerror($socket)); try { // 连接服务器 $result = socket_connect($socket, $ip, $port); if ($result < 0 || is_null($result) || !$result) throw new Exception("连接失败,REASON:" . socket_strerror($result)); $in = json_encode($args); // 写入文件信息 if (!socket_write($socket, $in, strlen($in))) throw new Exception("消息发送失败,REASON:" . socket_strerror($socket)); // 读取socket返回的数据 list($error, $msg, $data) = socketRead($socket); if ($type != 3 && $error != 0) throw new Exception("104服务器异常,REASON:" . $msg); // 关闭socket socket_close($socket); switch ($type) { case 2: // 分包 $rst = $data["url"]; break; case 3: // 检测文件 if ($error == -1) { throw new Exception("检测文件失败,REASON:" . $msg); } $rst = $error; break; default: $rst = true; break; } } catch (Exception $ex) { // 关闭socket @socket_close($socket); throw new Exception($ex->getMessage()); } return $rst; } /** * 分包程序.切记不能有die或exit出现. * * User: yzm * Data: 2018/1/16 */ require_once "./Lib/Function.php"; $i=0; while ($i<30){ try{ $data["type"] = 1; $data["authId"] = 2; $data["location"] = 1; sendSocket($data); }catch (Exception $ex){ echo $ex->getMessage(); } $i++; sleep(5); }4. 使用
a. 开启服务
php server.php start //可以看到开启了多个进程
b. 客户端连接
php client.php //从代码知道,里头用了循环,可以多次连接服务,同时发送数据,服务端会把结果返回